Monday, November 06, 2006

What would you do different?

I was talking to a friend recently, ok so recently that we are still chatting on IM, about high school. We talked about the fact that I had a crush on him in Highschool and he honestly didn't know. He said he had even thought about it back then but never acted on it. So odd to think that two people liked each other but were both to scared of the other persons reaction to act on it.

Even knowing that now I don't think I'd change a thing about HS simply because all those things helped shape me into who I am today. And if I wasn't me I don't think I would have ended up with my husband whom I love and adore and at this point can't imagine life without him and really don't want to.

Would you change something different? Is there something so bad that changed you in such a way that if you had that golden change to go back and redo it you would? I just can't see that for me. I can't change who I was because doing that would change who I am and I'm happy. I'm truely happy with my life. Sure there are things I don't like, hell life will never be perfect but who the fuck cares. It's not about perfection just about enjoying who you are and where you are while you are there.

One thing I know for sure. I can't wait to go back to my HS reunion and just throw it in some bitches faces just how happy I am even though they tormented me in HS. Though I doubt they'll remember me. They never remember those they torment in the years past and yet those that are tormented never forget it.