Thursday, October 02, 2008

I really hate stupid people

So two days ago I talked to what has to be the dumbest person I'd ever talked to. I was at work. And on the whole at work I usually talk to pretty bright people or at least people who can communicate and live with the majority of society and not piss half of us off. This guy on the other hand....dear goddess help me please when dealing with people like this guy.

At the end of the 30 minute conversation I was praying that he was just fucking with me and not really that stupid. No really I was. I was half tempted to tell him to cut out the bullshit and stop acting like a moron because I really really hoped that he was just a VERY good actor and pulling my leg just to get his jollies.

The reason he called in? He needed to know how to send a text message, ok fine. I know not everyone deals well with technology (though my mom figured it out with out calling HER cell phone provider OR me). So that part of the call was ok. I easily walked him through the steps and he seemed to get it.

Then he mentioned how he liked that the "keys [were] hid" on his phone. Yes congrats you have a slider phone they are great I love mine too. Then he wanted to know about OTHER Samsung phones.... ok you JUST bought this one and you haven't even really used it yet (I know because he set it up and called into us) but you want to know about other phones...fine. I give him the run down on other samsung phones. He asks which one I like best, well I don't really like telling someone which phone they should pick because if they don't like it they call back in and bitch because the person who told them about the phone didn't tell them about X (insert grip here).

So I tell him maybe he should go to the store, there he can see what kind of phones they have available and see which one he likes the most. He finally sees that this is a great idea, bad my company corp owned stores in his area. But wait there is a Target... I tell him let me give you the number so you can call and make sure they have the phones you want to look at (he had narrowed it down to a couple based on my descriptions)

This is the part where I decided I'd rather take a spoon and dig my eye out than stay at work and talk to him. I give him the number to Target 856-623-2068...So it's, no it's not. I repeat it 8.5.6....6.2.3...., Ok I got 856-23- is the zero before or after the's after....ok so 0268?.....*me starting to look like an insane person because my eyes are growing wide* No it's 2....0....6....8. Ok so is the zero before or after the two?....ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME?!?!?! I'm not kidding I read the number off PAINFULLY slow. I gave him PLENTY of time between each number to write it down directly as I was speaking it.

Now before anyone posts nasty bitchy things to me. Yes I know that perhaps he was dyslexic I did think of that. However he claimed the acct was in his name and you have to be 18 to have an acct in your own name so there for by this time in his life you would HOPE he has at least had some kind of teaching that allows him some tricks as to how to live and cope with dyslexia if that is indeed his problem and not just years of inbreeding. I'm not kidding you I read that number well over 20 times to him. I said each number again with so much time in between so that he could just start fresh and write down the number as I said it and not have to worry about which was in front of what.

And after all that...after saying them so slow an arthritic grandmother who has alzheimers would memorize the number. He didn't get it right. I lied to him. I'm sorry it was awful of me but he just.didn' He didn't there was nothing I was going to say that would help him figure out what the fuck the number was. He was simply an inbreed idiot from Alabama