Thursday, March 20, 2008

Strange Vacation (part 1 of the blog tour)

I've been tasked (willingly) to write about the strangest place I've ever been on vacation. And I have to admit I haven't gone that many unusual places but I do have an unusual vacation (overall) to write about. Me, Gehnen, Benny, Alyssa, and the whore had all gone camping in Shasta Cali. We went in Sept (right?) and for those that don't know Shasta is in NorCal and cold in Sept. We leave after everyone gets off work for a 6ish hour drive so we arrive to the camp site around oh midnight and try and set up camp in the dark with just our headlights to give us the ability to see. So we pull everything out and quickly find out that the tent poles are no where to be found.

Yes ladies and gents you are right in your thoughts, we have a tent at midnight in the cold Cali mountains with no tent poles. So we are trying to come up with something that will get us covered for the night as we have 5 people and one car and no way can everyone sleep in there (nor do half of us want to.) So we pull the shoelaces out of my tennis shoes and throw them over a branch and pull the tent away from the completely level camp area to a not so level camp area and 3 of us (me, Gehnen, and the whore) climb into the tent, that we loveingly named Lumpy, while Benny and Alyssa go sleep in her car.

It was cold and uncomfortable and we kept rotating who was sleeping where because the person in the middle was the warmest. And yet overall the whole trip was still amazing.

We went up to Panther Meadows on Mt Shasta and it was/is simply amazing. It's so calm and peaceful. One of the best places to go in my opinion. Shasta is known for it's other worldly experiences. Many have claimed they've seen aliens and I don't doubt that's possible. The pic below is Mt Shasta from a distance.

There are also claims that when the clouds gather over the mountain they are sometimes hiding spaceships. That is shown in this picture.

So now you have it the strangest place I've ever visited. Provided of course you don't think San Fran is strange (which it is but not quite the same).

Check the Blog Tour list to the right if you'd like to read about some other interesting vacations.


Anonymous said...

I've rigged tarps under lots of circumstances, but lack of tent poles is a new one.

Admin said...

"What does not kill us makes us stronger", right? I once left the tent nails at home(bright moment I had there while packing). But from the pictures it looks like an amazing place.

Anonymous said...

the whore? I think I must read more, i'm very curious now.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Wry Exchange - I need to know who 'The Whore' is! :)