Friday, April 22, 2005

Another Interview

I had yet another interview today. This one was the first of two if I make the cut. I'll find out next week if they want me back and I'll find out by the end of the month if I have the job. I'm not holding my breath and I am still looking for jobs.

Money sucks. Well rather worrying about money sucks. I know I will get a job I know I will. And I know we'll be ok but right now I'm worried. It's getting to the point that any job will do. Even the dreaded Wal-Mart, though that is still the last resort. Things will get better.

Ok I'm rambling with out making any sense and though my friends know this just happens with me most of the internet doesn't know me and since anyone might happen upon this blog....well I'm gonna end it here for now.


Angie said...

So I guess that means you either quit or got fired from the other job? I didn't realize you were completely unemployed, I just thought you were unhappy and still looking.

Grinningcomb said...

Yeah I didn't want anyone to worry. So I just didn't say anything.

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Don't fret, good will make it's way to you, later...