Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another rant.

On a forum I read someone posted about their child being in a school play and about the costume that all the little girls wore and how she, the mother, disagreed with the costume. It was your typical dance outfit a leotard and tights. The mom had a problem with the fact that they were nude tights and a black leotard. Now this is typical of nearly any dance studio that you could sign your kids up for.

This mom in particular was very unhappy at seeing her kid in this outfit (she didn't see it until her daughter was on stage at the performance). I'm sorry but I honestly just do not see the problem. Now many may disagree with me. But I think as a nation we can censor our kids and what they see too much.

What is so wrong with a child in a leotard and tights. She was upset particularly because they were nude tights and not black or something. But that costume usually hides all the necessary bits. I don't think I've ever seen a child look scandalous in that kind of a costume. And she wasn't even a solo act she was dancing with a number of other kids all in the same costume. Now some might say that "oh noes but a child molester might have seen them" I'm sorry but someone looking for kiddies is going to find something to get their kicks off to no matter WHAT the kid is wearing. They could be in jeans and a long sleeve shirt (or a floor length skirt for those that feel pants are more provocative) and some sick fuck into kids could still think horrid things about them.

We have gotten to an age (as a country) where we are far to paranoid that the worst is going to happen. (no the woman who put up the post that got me on my kick didn't suggest anything other than she thought it indecent I'm just ranting) I am sick and tired of it. I'm sorry but kids wearing dance outfits aren't going to become sluts or automatically going to signal some sicko somewhere to track them down. Nor are kids playing video games going to automatically go out with a gun because when they die there is another life to bring them back.

We need to parent our children but not encase them in bubbles that shatter upon their entry into the adult world. We need to help them make good decisions not take away the option to make any. We need to calm down and realize that while bad things do happen and you can protect yourself and your family unless you move to the wilderness and go back a few decades there is always the chance that something will happen.

We are raising a generation of children with two extremes and neither is good. To either protect them so much (like I could see happening in the case of the mother and daughter mentioned above) or to not parent them at all. We need to find a compromise and we need to change our way of thinking as a nation. It's not good to be so damned paranoid.

Also...I like what this person said.