Tuesday, November 18, 2008

An update on me

I got a shift change!!!!!!!! Oh I'm so excited I get to see my husband (Gehnen) seven days a week now. It's amazing. Well it will be, I just started yesterday but still I'm oh so excited. I work M-F still which is great and I work 9:30-6:30 with an hour lunch. So I'm home around seven instead of 10:30 which I'm so so so excited about. It means no more having to cram everything I want to do into just 2 days.

My birthday was last week. I had a blast. Came home early from work and spent time with my family. Just chilled out watching TV and playing video games. Gehnen got me the next in the Tales of Symphonia series this one for the Wii, now I really need to hunker down and finish up the one I have. I think I'm pretty close but not really sure. Either way I need to finish it up so I can start the next one. Then on Saturday I went and had sushi with a bunch of friends for my birthday dinner which was great. Always love to be surrounded by friends for my b-day. And what better dinner than sushi! So yummy, I ended up having sushi three times in eight days I mean really you can't get much better than that. Ok you can but it'd be hard. :D

Also I've started seeing a guy I met on line. He's a real sweetheart. Been talking to him for about four weeks now. Bulldog is his tag for this blog here. He's got a dark streak but it's in a way I love not evil at all so no worries there. He's a very good friend and even if nothing else comes of it I'm happy to have him in my life. The worst part is just that he lives about an hour away so it's hard to see him on the spur of the moment and either of us going to see the other results in a longish trip and time away from our families just because you have 2 hours taken in travel time alone, well maybe an hour and a half for him I think he must drive like a bat out of hell on the highway.

The holidays are coming up. We're hosting Thanksgiving at our house again. Alyssa and Benny will be over as will Lushious most likely. So we should have a nice time. I unfortuantly do have to work the next day we were possibly going to be closed and now we for sure are going to be open. And yet I'm still going to kill myself and wake up at bitch o'clock in the morning and go shopping with Neri to get the good deals.

My mom is coming up here for Christmas which is very exciting. We've not been able to celebrate Christmas together since I moved to Cali and this will be the first holiday she's celebrated with Gehnen at all. On top of that I will have seen her for a total of 3 times in one year which is a record since I moved out of Texas. Whee!!