Sunday, January 06, 2008


I'm coming home from buying a book and I'm in the center lane to turn onto my street. There is a car in front of me and a car on my street assumably waiting to turn onto the main street I'm currently in the middle of. Now one would again assume that when you turn onto a street from the middle of the main road you aren't going to be stopping but will continue on at least until there is a place to turn correct? You normally wouldn't stop as soon as you turn onto the road right next to the car that is waiting to turn off of the same road so that you can hand something out your damn window to the person in the other car! Well that is what happened to me today. I had to swerve to avoid hitting the idiot that stopped in the middle of the road when she turned onto my street. I honked my horn at her before pulling into my driveway. Now as I'm getting out of my car she is using the driveway across the street from me to turn around. She only pulled onto my street to pass something out her window to the idiot in the other car. And she took the time to yell out her window at me that I needed to get off my phone and learn to drive...because apparently it is very normal for her to STOP WHERE THE STREETS CONNECT!!!! So I lowered myself to her standards and told her to go to hell before walking into my house.

But on a good note the book I bought was very good I enjoyed it lots even though my friend didn't. She was sad about one point that, for her, undid the good point that happened.